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Archive for April 2011

Synonyms for Spring 2011 in Korea: blossoms, yellow dust, radioactive rain

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I have been meaning to get back into blogging more regularly as part of a new organization-health-happiness kick I am on. I am more than halfway through my first April in South Korea, and I have gotten to experience some great aspects of living somewhere other than Minnesota or Iowa!

One delightful difference from MN is that instead of still getting snow on a daily basis like my family, I get to enjoy sunshine, cherry blossom trees and 60-75 degree F weather. The trees were blooming about a week ago, and now the pretty little flowers are slowly being taken away from the trees by the wind. But green and yellow are the prevalent colors of the plant life here, as opposed to the crappy, muddy brown of March.

I have been told by coworkers and students that one downside to Korea in the springtime is yellow dust storms from China that can irritate your body for weeks. I am not looking forward to being attacked by yellow grit, that is for sure! I hope this year will not be too horrible. As soon as I experience yellow dust I will make sure to write about it.

On March 11th, 2011, a massive earthquake began ripping through Japan, which led to a huge, destructive tsunami. Thanks to these disasters, a nuclear plant in Japan has been damaged and has leaked out radioactive iodine and caesium into the sea (or so it is thought). I haven’t heard any proven facts, but many Koreans seem to be concerned that the rain water–which may come from Japan and their radioactive seawater– contains harmful elements able to contaminate anyone who goes outside during any sort of precipitation. So far, it has barely rained this term, but whenever it does there are students absent because their parents are so worried about radiation. Even if we do get radiation from the rain, it will be impossible to hide from it come June-August! Summer is supposed to be the rainiest season in Korea.

So, I am arming myself with my camera for the blossoms, a mask for the yellow dust, and I am starting a new diet rich in flavonoids and anti-cancer fruits to fight off possible radiation. And a sturdy umbrella : )

Written by annamarieinkorea

April 19, 2011 at 10:19 pm

Posted in South Korea Blog